WAWWA Sounds | Me Gusta

We recently caught up with our good friend Yohan, who kindly donned some clothes for us here at Wawwa. Not only that, him and his team at MeGusta has graced us with a playlist, which you can listen to here.
We asked a few questions to find out more...
So, what are you guys about?
Me Gusta is a multicultural collective of music lovers and enthusiasts, with roots stemming from Bermuda, Ecuador, England, France, Norway, Togo & Kenya.
A group brought together in Manchester (UK) through a shared passion for global sounds. We share our findings with people of all backgrounds who attend our events, see us perform at festivals and listen to our radio shows; such as Reform Radio & Limbo Radio.
What type of music have you focussed on within the playlist?
Throughout this playlist you can find everything from traditional songs from the 1970s to contemporary music from young, upcoming talent from across the world. Me Gusta always strive to find music from all corners of the globe to share with our open-minded and humble audiences. Our style is ever-changing to fit any medium, whether that is playing downtempo rhythms to friends or fiesta music to festival crowds.
How do you feel about sustainability? Does it impact your music choices?
Sustainability is an increasingly important issue that we are well aware of as a collective. It is important that we are mindful of environmental factors that could impact our events and bookings. Plastic usage and our carbon footprint when travelling for bookings and to festivals has been our main concern.
We performed for Vegan only - plastic free festivals last summer and continue to reduce our impact on the planet wherever possible as we progress and grow as artists and a collective.
We love the ethos and style of Wawwa Clothing and we will be keeping up with your expanding enterprise of sustainability. This is the direction the fashion industry needs to be taking, other companies should take note, all the love!
You can catch Me Gusta at El Dorado festival (July 5th-7th) & Gilles Peterson's We Out Here festival (August 15th) this summer.
Listen to the Spotify playlist here