Friends of WAWWA | Josh Bentley

Skateboarder and streetwear enthusiast, Josh Bentley, joined us on our road trip to Snowdon to model our latest Autumn/Winter '19 collection. We caught up with Josh after the shoot for a quick chat...
Did you enjoy getting out in the country for the shoot?
I was really into it. I don’t leave Manchester that much and when I do it’s normally to go to another city. So yeah thanks for the trip out to that there countryside. Fields, streams and trees are great.
What do you think of the clothes?
Although WAWWA isn't really an outdoor brand it's the kind of streetwear clothing I'm into and versatile enough to wear anywhere. The pocket t-shirt, scarf and socks are really nice items. Once you wear organic socks nothing else compares!
So you work for a clothing agency yourself! Have you always had an interest in clothing? Have you got any opinions on the way fashion is affecting the environment at the moment?
Yes I do...big up Spiv Agency (Carl and Woody)
I guess so. I’m really picky about what I wear and always have been. I don’t really feel myself when I’m not wearing something I like.
But yeah fast fashion should be illegal. If you are going to buy something, it’s an investment. Clothing should last and be bought with longevity in mind.
So you're a skateboarder...tell us more...
I got into skating because all my older brother’s friends did it. I just thought it looked really cool and was something I identified with. 14 years later I’m still doing it. For me, Platt Fields skatepark is the best skatepark in the world. The vibe’s right and it promotes a friendly community vibe.
Does nature play an influence what you do?
I feel like I do all the things people should do to help the environment; recycling, eating an environmentally conscious diet and not rinsing the electricity and water I use at home. But feel I could definitely do more...there needs to be more education on how best to play our part in doing what we can to minimise our impact on the's all we've got right!