Plant Based Packaging Update

Back in the summer we did our first mini crowdfunding campaign to change our packaging over to a more sustainable version. One which was completely plant based being made from a waste product in sugar cane manufacturing, compostable in 60 days and hopefully beautiful.
We hit our target within a very quick time frame, which was amazing. We had support from existing customers and made some new ones, some of which we’ve had the pleasure of meeting in person.
The initial time timeline meant that we expected to have the packaging here for August, but it’s now almost December and we’ve still not got it!
Like everything in this life, nothing quite runs to plan. First we were told our initial design would not work on the packaging due to the printing process (something you’d expect to know about before hand) so in the redesign process, something that coincided with quite a lot of intense design work elsewhere, we realised that we were going to be updating our branding in the coming 2 months, so we didn’t want to have packaging for 2 years with our previous logo on!
So we decided to delay ordering the packaging, as we were attempting to grow in other ways and we were sold out of almost everything on the website and so we were only sending a small handful of orders here and there.
When we re-opened the sales process, we were told that they were no longer able to source the packaging! Great.
Back to the drawing board.
So we started the whole process again, which was painful.
But with every cloud there is a silver lining. In our search, we found a new company who are able to make polybags (something we had previously been unable to find a suitable replacement for) from completely compostable material. Amazing. So we’ve got some of those as well now, meaning if you’ve ordered a t-shirt recently you’ll notice it came in a completely compostable poly bag. It just becomes hard to tell the colour of the t-shirt inside...
With the shipping bags, we’re back on the hunt and have found a couple of replacements. But unfortunately we don’t anticipate them to be delivered until January….so spuriously biodegradable shipping bags for now.
But when they arrive they’ll be amazing!
Thanks again for your support.